Tuesday, December 30, 2008


lol that's what I got when I googled "shitty boyfriend" credits to this site for the image.
I actually have several birds as pets. My dad LOVES animals. When I was in elementary i had a cockatoo. Beautiful bird, big-was bigger than my head. My dad used to put it on my shoulder and I'd walk around with it there. And yes it did shit on me. several times. =P

"Understand that misery doesn't exist in the world, but in our mind. It is not our present conditions, but our reactions to those conditions that are the source of our pain."-Chuck Gallozzi


mayaari said...

hi there - thanks for stopping by my blog! in response to your question, the Multiple Duos are limited edition, but I'm not sure how long they're going to be out on the market. I have to duos and the regular multiple sticks, and the duo formula goes on lighter/sheerer than the original sticks. My skincare routine varies since I try out different products, but I can try to write up a full post of what's working for me right now :)

Anna said...

Yes! I used Retin-A-Micro in the past (6 years ago) and it was great. My skin was flawless because everything literally peeled off. I just bought the Cliniques 3 step system to give it a try... :)

Ziana is a mixture of tretinoin (found in retin-a) and Clindamycin (bacteria killer). I will do a post on it soon.

MiuMiu said...

such a funny picture haha..I would have loved to have a cockatoo...but birds can be so bitchy sometimes XD i've worked at petsmart before and all they like to do is scream and bite hehe
I think people here are more generous with freebies, especially to foreigners haha. I've only has 1-2 stores that were skimpy with the samples.
Happy New YEar!

Anna said...

All fish oil has the same smell! I use Odorless Nature Made Omega 3 Fish Oil and it still smell. I cut the top of the pill and just smear the oil on my scars + acne. You can put the rest in a container if you want I just throw it out after a couple of uses though lol.

Ricebunny has a post on oil capsules too so check it out! I use to take it orally but then I became VERY oily. I mean, OILY so I stopped. Also, when I took it orally, I saw a difference after a month and I had clear skin for about a month and then I had acne again...so I stopped because it was ineffective which SUCKS.

I apply this once at night and when I wake up it looks better :) Hope that helps and your welcome to ask anymore questions I'd be delighted to help you. Have a great weekend!